Paralegal and Legal Assistant Training Series: A Complete Guide to Skills Development

On Demand

Series Purchase:

  • $199 for AAJ Members and Paralegal Affiliates
  • $249 for non-members.
    Non-members can register by email or by creating a guest account online.

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What's Included

  • 8 episodes of video content on all aspects of legal administration and trial preparation
  • Access to renowned speakers for Q&A through message board
  • Stream or download episodes on your time

CLE Information

Episodes in the Paralegal and Legal Assistant Training Series are eligible for CLE credit if your state bar accepts attorney-submitted applications for self-study credit. AAJ is not responsible for accrediting or reporting CLE credits for recorded programs. Members are responsible for ensuring their state accepts self-applications for self-study CLE credits. For more information on CLE credits and on-demand programs, click here