AAJ Education
Learn from the nation’s top trial lawyers while building your network with AAJ Education. With nationwide programming throughout the year, there’s always something coming up next.
upcoming CLE

Complimentary Member programs
AAJ’s education programs are more than CLE credits. We offer cutting-edge legal training taught by the best trial lawyers in the country. Engage with litigation leaders in person or online, and take advantage of on-demand resources to build your practice.
Get litigation updates, trial advocacy skills, and practice management tips from the convenience of your home or office with our live webinars.
WebinarsDevelop your practice on your own schedule with a selection of in-person program recordings, complimentary webinars, and related resources from AAJ Education.
On-Demand CLE
Network with colleagues, experience a new city, and earn up to a year’s worth of CLE credits through our conventions, seminars, and colleges developed specifically for trial lawyers.
Browse answers to FAQs on General Education Information, CLE Credit Reporting, and On-Demand Programs or contact the Education Team at education@justice.org or 800-424-2725 option 2. Education FAQs
AAJ members and experts are invited to submit topic ideas for AAJ Education’s continuing legal education programs. Applications are accepted to speak at Winter and Annual Conventions, trial advocacy colleges, specialized seminars, and webinars.
Become a speakerThe National College of Advocacy (NCA) honors the memory of Paul J. Scoptur by awarding complimentary registration and partial travel costs to members who otherwise could not attend AAJ Education Trial Advocacy Colleges.
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