New Lawyers Division (NLD)

Open to regular members barred less than 10 years or under 35 years old. This group focuses on networking, membership, fundraising, education, and public service.

Headshot of Leslie Pescia, Chair of the New Lawyers Division

Leslie Pescia

Bullock Ward Mason, LLC Louisville, KY
Chair, New Lawyers Division PAC FALCON DONOR Leaders Forum Firm

"AAJ's New Lawyers Division has been, and continues to be, vital to my success and growth as a lawyer. It keeps me up to date on legal education, helps me navigate AAJ, provides hands-on training to grow my skills, has introduced me to life-long friends and colleagues across the country, and so much more. NLD provides members with a wealth of opportunities like these and beyond, so I encourage lawyers to join, get involved, and take advantage of everything it has to offer!"

Community Center
Connect with the NLD Community: Expand Your Network and Have Fun

The NLD has an active presence on AAJ's Community Center. The caucus list server allows members from around the country to connect in real-time on the issues trial lawyers everyday. Caucus members frequently post articles and videos to the caucus blog, highlight recent trials and practical insights. Watch this video and preview some of the exciting content available in the Community Center.

Visit AAJ's Community Center (login required)Not yet a member of the Community? Join today.

2023-2024 Caucus Leadership

  • Chair: Leslie Pescia | Bullock Ward Mason, LLC, Louisville, KY

  • Chair-Elect: John E. Abaray | Abaray Craddock & Smith, PLLC, Louisville, KY

  • Treasurer: Ingrid A. Halstrom | Halstrom Law Office, PC, Boston, MA

  • Secretary: Amanda Fox Perry | Fay Law Group, PA, Rockville, MD

  • Immediate Past Chair & Representative to the AAJ Executive Committee: Jared J. Smith | Jared Smith Law, PLLC, Louisville, KY

  • Representatives to the AAJ Board of Governors:

    • Michael Grieco | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC, Chicago, IL

    • Jared M. Placitella | Cohen Placitella & Roth, PC, Red Bank, NJ

    • Chinsu Shajan | Stark & Stark, Hamilton, NJ

    • Jared J. Smith | Jared Smith Law, PLLC, Louisville, KY

Events and Publications
One Caucus, Many Ways to Participate

The NLD's virtual happy hours, membership drives, educational panels, public services projects, meetings, and convention events are a great way to get to know other AAJ members. The caucus's newsletter is distributed to the more than 4,000 caucuses members, plus caucus members help plan webinars and other Education programs. Write an article, submit a topic suggestion, or apply to speak. With the NLD, you can expand your network and have fun.

Get Active!

Join the NLD closed Facebook group to keep up-to-date with caucus events and activities. Facebook Group