Paralegal Affiliates
Paralegal Affiliates are eligible for AAJ membership. You must be qualified to perform substantive legal work under the direction of an attorney, sponsored by an AAJ member, and represent plaintiffs in civil litigation or defendants in criminal litigation
MembershipWith over 400 members and growing, Paralegal Affiliates are dedicated to networking, membership, and education.
The 2025 nomination period for Paralegal of the Year is now open! Nomination forms and letters are due May 1. Nominate a deserving paralegal here!
sponsored by Advocate Capital, Inc.
A candidate must be a Paralegal Affiliate of the American Association for Justice® (AAJ®), formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA®), for at least one year to be eligible for nomination. Members of the Paralegal Advisory Task Force are not eligible for nomination.
A candidate must be nominated by an AAJ Attorney Member in good standing or by another AAJ Paralegal Affiliate. To nominate a candidate for the 2025 award, please fill out this online form, which requires a written statement describing how the candidate has demonstrated his/her value as a member of the legal services team as well as his/her dedication to the legal profession and AAJ’s mission.
All nominations are due May 1.
Judges look for the following qualities/experience:
1) Contributions to the paralegal profession by:
Teaching, tutoring, or mentoring paralegal students
Speaking at seminars and conventions on issues concerning the profession
Displaying commitment and providing services to professional organizations such as local and national paralegal associations
Writing articles for legal publications
2) Commitment to continuing legal education
3) Commitment to community through volunteering
Judges also look for candidates who have demonstrated their value as members of a legal services team, shown dedication to the legal profession, and shown dedication to AAJ's mission.
The winner of the 2025 Paralegal of the Year Award will receive complimentary airfare, hotel, and registration for the Annual Convention in San Francisco, CA.

Adrian Martin
Each year, an outstanding paralegal is chosen as Paralegal of the Year. The 2024 winner is Adrian Martin, a paralegal, mentor, and collaborator who is committed to helping others. He brings 20 years of experience in personal injury, products liability, and mass tort injury cases to Yaeger Law. As Director of Legal Services and Head Paralegal at the firm he leads the team with his unique understanding of technology and data analytics along with his knowledge of the legal system to ensure that the firm’s clients are seen and heard while litigating their cases. Adrian earned his Paralegal Certificate from Lone Star College. In addition to AAJ, he volunteers with immigration support services to provide aid completing application forms and navigating the citizenship process to new applicants.
Paralegal of the Year
View Past Winners
- 2024 Recipient – Adrian Martin
- 2023 Recipient – Assal Badrkhani
- 2022 Recipient - Olga A. Patterson
- 2020 Recipient - Kim Martel
- 2019 Recipient - Lisa West
- 2018 Recipient - Alesia Emison
- 2017 Recipient - Amy Johnson
- 2016 Recipient - Patti Artavia
- 2015 Recipient - Christine Flynn
- 2014 Recipient - Regina Valenti
- 2013 Recipient - Dennyce Korb
- 2011 Recipient - Christina Koch
- 2009 Recipient - Linda Whipple
- 2008 Recipient - Lori Tracoma
- 2007 Recipient - Natalie Andrus
- 2006 Recipient - Julie D. Hunt
- 2005 Recipient - Julie L. McLaughlin
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