On-Demand Representing Survivors of Sexual-Assault Webinar

On Demand

Representing Survivors of Sexual-Assault Webinar

Trauma-Informed Skills for Lawyers, Paralegals, and Support Staff
Sep 03, 2020 Sep 03, 2020
Online | 120 minutes
$0.00 Non-Member costs
$0.00 Member costs

About the Webinar

Navigating the legal process presents unique challenges for survivors of trauma. Learn important tools to lessen those challenges by creating trauma-informed processes at your practice from training and preparing your staff, to having a trauma-aware intake process. Join the chairs of AAJ's Sexual Assault and Child Sex Abuse Litigation Groups, Jessica Pride, Melissa Hague, and Mike Pfau, as well as Christy Heiskala a trained survivor advocate, for this complimentary webinar where they will share insight and best practices from handling these types of cases.

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