A 30,000 Foot Look at a TBI Case: Traumatic Brain Injury Webinar Series (Part 1)
Will these webinars offer CLE credit?
AAJ is not responsible for accrediting or reporting CLE credits for On-Demand programs. Each attorney is responsible for ensuring their state accepts self-application for self-study CLE credits. FAQs on CLE and Education programs can be found HERE.
If I register for the series bundle, do I have to attend all webinars?
Included in the Traumatic Brain Injury Webinar Series Bundle purchase, you will receive complimentary recordings of each individual session. Recordings will be available within 5 business days after the live event.
Will the webinars be recorded?
Yes, all AAJ Education webinars are recorded and will be available for purchase after the program date.
Cancellation Policy
There are no refunds or vouchers for cancellation. Your registration fee includes all webinar recordings.