Voir Dire Webinar


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

1:00 - 4:30 PM ET
Live Session

Welcome Announcements

What the Strike Zone will Be in Your Voir Dire Directory

  • What to Expect the Courts to Look for
  • Magic Words or Confirmations from a For-Cause Juror

Voir Dire Goals and Pitfalls

  • What you should never expect from voir dire
  • Drafting effective questions
  • The dangers in overselling your case in voir dire

Building Your Team and Rapport

  • Getting your panel engaged
  • Developing rapport
  • Identifying potential group dynamics early

The Hard Work of Planning for Voir Dire

  • Preparing your questions with the goals in mind
  • Protecting your honest jurors against "rehabilitation"
  • Drafting effective questions

Live Demonstration

Questions & Answers Session
