Sponsoring and Advertising

Trial Magazine Special Edition Advertising

AAJ Is Celebrating 75 Years,
Join the Party

One of the ways we are marking this milestone is with a special issue of Trial Magazine. The issue will be highlighting the firms and companies whose support has made AAJ what it is today, and we want YOU to be a part of it!

Advertise in Trial

The December 2021 issue will be the biggest issue yet, with articles on everything from medical negligence and pharmaceuticals to transportation and police misconduct.

Space is limited, so reserve your space today!

Additional Details: 

Placements in our special advertising section are available to both law firms and companies. Two sizes are available.

Full-Page Ad
Price: $6,000
Size: 7.625 x 8.945

Half-Page Horizontal Ad
Price: $4,000
Specs: 7.625 x 4.348

Please note, the deadline to submit your advertisement is September 10, 2021.  All advertisements must comply with AAJ's Advertising Policy

If you have any specific questions about pricing, design, or anything else related to advertising in this special issue, contact the Business Development team at advertising@justice.org