
Amicus Briefs

Bielski v. Coinbase, Inc.

9th Circuit, No. 22-15566 (filed Oct. 3, 2022)

Oct. 3, 2022

Brief of the American Association for Justice, the National Consumer Law Center, and the Center for Responsible Lending as Amici Curiae in Support of Plaintiff-Appellee Abraham Bielski

Issue: Whether the Federal Arbitration Act should apply to pre-arbitration exhaustion requirements contained in a consumer contract and whether such user agreements deprive parties of meaningful access to an arbitral or judicial forum.

Full Citation: Brief for American Association for Justice, National Consumer Law Center, and Center for Responsible Lending as Amici Curiae in Support of Plaintiff-Appellee, Bielski v. Coinbase, Inc., No. 22-15566 (9th Cir. Oct. 3, 2022)


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