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Verdicts & Settlements: Admiralty

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Failure to warn cruise ship passenger of tripping hazard

October 3, 2019

Norma Farris, 73, was a cruise ship passenger aboard the M/S Carnival Breeze. While walking in a public corridor, she tripped over a vacuum power cord that a housekeeper had stretched across the area. She suffered a severe crush injury to her right knee, lacerations, and bruising. The knee injury led to the development of a hematoma. Farris had been independent but required rehabilitation. She now suffers from pain and restricted mobility.

Farris sued Carnival Corp., alleging failure to maintain the vessel, failure to warn guests of the tripping hazard, and improper training, among other claims.

The jury awarded $355,000, finding the plaintiff 35% at fault. The award included $25,000 for Farris’s medical expenses.

Citation: Farris v. Carnival Corp., No. 1:1724668-CIV-Williams (S.D. Fla. Apr. 18, 2019).

Plaintiff counsel: AAJ member Michael D. Eriksen, West Palm Beach, Fla.; and Brett Field, Dallas.

Plaintiff expert: Bryan White, internal medicine, Dallas.