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Negligent performance of aneurysm pipeline stenting procedure

September/October 2023

Joan Clark, 72, underwent an aneurysm pipeline stenting procedure at the University of Iowa hospital to repair a right ophthalmic artery aneurysm. During the procedure, the treating neurosurgeon allegedly ordered the nurse anesthetist to stop one of Clark’s antiplatelet medications. After the neurosurgeon and treating neurologist allegedly saw extravasation on the fluoroscopy imaging, Onyx was administered to stop the bleeding in Clark’s brain. Nevertheless, she continued to bleed, necessitating two ventriculostomy surgeries and two emergency craniectomies. Despite this intervention, her condition deteriorated, and she died several weeks later. She is survived by her spouse and three adult children.

Clark’s estate sued the state of Iowa, alleging negligent performance of the pipeline procedure in that an artery wall was perforated far from the location of the stent placement. Suit also alleged negligent performance of the first ventriculostomy, which was performed in the wrong location.

The defense argued that the cause of Clark’s injury was unknown and that injury to blood vessels is a known risk of the pipeline stenting procedure. The defense also asserted that the decision to terminate life support led to Clark’s premature death.

The parties settled for $2 million.

Citation: Clark v. State, No. LACV082658 (Iowa Dist. Ct. Johnson Cnty. May 22, 2023).

Plaintiff counsel: AAJ members Bruce L. Braley, Brian N. Aleinikoff, and Timothy J. Luetkemeyer, all of Denver.