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Press Release

Billion-Dollar Bayer & Chem-Conglomerates Just Got a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card

House Farm Bill Marked Up Today Contains Immunity for Corporations that Make People Sick

May 24,2024

WASHINGTON, DC — The following is a statement from American Association for Justice CEO Linda Lipsen on the House Committee on Agriculture Markup of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024:

“When American farmers develop cancer from dangerous and deadly chemicals, they should be able to hold the mega-corporations who sold those chemicals responsible. But if the Farm Bill passed by the House Agriculture Committee today becomes law, local and state public health protections will be wiped out and pesticide manufacturers and chem-conglomerates will be handed immunity from all legal responsibility to those Americans they’ve hurt. 

“As state legislatures reject these overreaching measures on a wide-scale, bipartisan basis, chem-conglomerate lobbyists have come running to Washington with the same morally bankrupt ask. Incredibly, some Members of Congress are greenlighting this strategy. We urge the Senate to stand by our farmers and reject this measure.” 

Heather K. Sager