Plan, Pivot, Prosper: How Law Firms Nationwide are Using Litigation Funding to Survive - And Thrive Webinar


Plan, Pivot, Prosper

How Law Firms Nationwide are Using Litigation Funding to Survive - And Thrive Webinar
Dec 09, 2020 Dec 09, 2020
Online | 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Presented by Counsel Financial and Esquire Bank

About the Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented economic stress on plaintiff law firms across the country. Many firms face increasing financial challenges in maintaining law firm operations while also litigating their clients’ cases to the successful resolution they deserve.

Trial lawyers are increasingly turning to litigation funding as a powerful resource that can help trial lawyers survive the current economic crisis—and thrive in the years to come. This webinar will bring together leading industry experts and top trial lawyers to discuss: 

  • The importance of financial planning now, given COVID-related delays and the uncertain economic and legal environment
  • Changes occurring in the industry due to COVID-19 and how to navigate those challenges
  • How successful law firms manage the peaks and valleys in revenue during times of uncertainty—and how financing can be utilized as a tool for law firm growth

They’ll also discuss the pros and cons of traditional vs. non-traditional lending—and how to determine the best option for your specific circumstances.

MCLE Credit Information

This webinar is being offered as a complimentary benefit to AAJ Members and AAJ Paralegals. It is not eligible for CLE credit in any state.