
David S. Shrager President’s Award

David S. Shrager President’s Award
Tom D’Amore, 2023 Recipient

As a past AAJ Budget Committee and Audit Chair, Tom D’Amore has given so much of himself and his time to AAJ. There are certain committees that require more time and effort. The Budget Committee is one of the most important and time consuming, and Tom has served at an exceptionally high level for many years. He is stepping down from the committee this year and AAJ is deeply appreciative of his knowledge and years of service.

About the Award

Recognizes an AAJ member who has demonstrated former AAJ President David Shrager's passion for the law and trial bar, and who has made an outstanding contribution to civil justice and the work of AAJ.

Past Recipients

2022: Derrick L. Walker
2021: Larry F. Taylor, Jr.
2017: Thomas F. Fay and Caragh G. Fay
2016: Lisa Blue
2015: Tobi Millrood
2014: Robert S. Peck
2013: Mike Papantonio and Mark J. Proctor
2012: Peter Kraus
2011: Sol H. Weiss
2010: Mike Eidson
2009: John Eddie Williams Jr.
2008: Howard Twiggs
2007: Ronald Motley
2006: Richard Bieder
2005: Anthony Tarricone
2004: Kenneth M. Suggs
2003: Fred Baron

David Shrager in a leather chair.

David S. Shrager

1935–2005 Pennsylvania
Past President, 1983-84

Mr. Shrager had many accomplishments in the courtroom, but is best remembered as a caring mentor and friend to other trial lawyers. Throughout his career, he was a member of AAJ and served in many leadership roles, including President of the association from 1983-84. He founded the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association, served as president of the Roscoe Pound Institute, and was one of the first lawyers to volunteer for Trial Lawyers Care, the largest and most successful pro bono legal service programs ever undertaken.