The Technology and Science Section works to promote emerging issues in technology and science, including artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology, digital technology, cybercrime and data breach, privacy, intellectual property, and e-discovery, and supports trial lawyers as they use digital technology to effectively represent clients in a connected world.
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Section Leadership
- Chair: Margaret Mabie | Marsh Law Firm PLLC, New York, NY
- Chair-Elect: Jennifer Mae Hoekstra | Aylstock Witkin Kreis & Overholtz PLLC, Pensacola, FL
- Vice Chair: Amber Pang Parra | Justinian & Associates PLLC, San Antonio, TX
- Membership Liaison: Blake Ledbetter | Conoscienti & Ledbetter, LLC, Decatur, GA
- Secretary: Cristina Perez | Perez Law Group, PLLC, Glendale, AZ
- Content Curator: Jason Javie | Levin & Javie, Philadelphia, PA
- Immediate Past Chair: Mark Zamora | Mark Zamora Law, Clearwater, FL
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