
Railroad Law

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The Railroad Law Section promotes the safety of the public and railroad employees through crossing accident and FELA litigation, as well as regulatory and legislative advocacy. The Section covers employee injuries and occupational illnesses, derailments, collisions, and crossing accidents.

The Railroad Law Section is endowed by Alfred K. Nippert Jr., Nippert & Nippert.

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Section members, visit AAJ's Community Center to post to your Section’s list server, search discussion archives, download documents, update your list server settings, and more. Section Member Login

Section Leadership

  • Chair: Joseph Sayler | Bolt Law Firm, Anoka, MN
  • Chair-Elect: Michael P. Doyle | Doyle Dennis LLP, Houston, TX
  • Vice Chair: Marc McCallister | Cavanagh Law Group, Chicago, IL
  • Membership Liaison: Hailey Tutton | Morgan & Morgan, Philadelphia, PA
  • Secretary: Bailey Gifford | Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers, Norfolk, VA
  • Content Curator: OPEN
  • Immediate Past Chair: Jasper Abbott | Brookhaven, GA

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Sections connect you to groups of leading practitioners and provide you with cutting-edge strategies, proven trial techniques, numerous networking opportunities, and the tools necessary to successfully litigate your cases in order to achieve a full recovery of damages for your clients.

Who Can Join?

Section membership is open to all membership categories and Paralegal Affiliates. Certain benefits in membership categories other than Regular, Life, Sustaining, and President's Club may be restricted. In particular, access to the Section e-mail list servers are limited to Regular, Life, Sustaining, and President's Club Members, and sponsored Law Professors and Paralegal Affiliates. The online document libraries are limited to Regular, Life, Sustaining, and President's Club Members. List server participants and access to a Section's document library requires membership in that specific Section.