Education Law
Education Law is a rapidly evolving field, with increased federal and state regulations, particularly around Title IX and Special Education. Attorneys representing students and educators often face unique challenges, such as navigating complex administrative procedures, ensuring compliance with special education mandates, and addressing discriminatory practices under Title IX.
Join NowEducation Law Litigation Group
The Education Law Litigation Group provides a platform for AAJ members to collaborate, share resources, and develop strategies for litigating cases within this specialized area. The group acts as a resource for attorneys representing students, educators, and families in cases involving disciplinary actions, special education disputes, and violations of civil rights under Title IX.
Group History:
The Education Law Litigation Group was formed in the Fall of 2024.
The Education Law Litigation Group is limited to Regular, Sustaining, Life, and President’s Club Members
The Education Law Litigation Group is complimentary for members of the AAJ Civil Rights Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group’s Affidavit.
Litigation Group Cochairs:
Keith Altman | The Law Office of Keith Altman, Farmington Hills, MI
Litigation Group members, visit AAJ's Community Center to connect with your colleagues on the list server, search discussion archives, download documents, update your list server settings, and more. Lit Group Member Login