Litigation Groups

Delayed Kidney Diagnosis

Join the Litigation Group

Delayed Kidney Diagnosis

About the Group

Most cases of kidney failure are preventable or delayable if properly diagnosed and treated. However, failing to diagnose or treat kidney disease can lead to complete kidney failure and the need for a lifetime of prescription drugs, time-consuming kidney dialysis, one or more kidney transplant operations, and the premature death of the patient. Unfortunately, many times these cases are overlooked and turned down by lawyers who do not understand the medicine or potential causes of action. The Group educates AAJ members about the medicine and what to look for when evaluating a potential case.

Group History

The Delayed Kidney Diagnosis Litigation Group was formed at the 2022 Annual Convention. Members will have access to a Document Library and a list server. The Group meets at AAJ Annual and Winter conventions and plans to host programs and meetings throughout the year.


The Litigation Group is complimentary for members of the AAJ Professional Negligence Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group's Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Professional Negligence Section here


  • Jed Kurzban | Kurzban Kurzban Tetzeli & Pratt PA, Miami, FL