Litigation Groups

Crane and Aerial Lift Injury

An extensive database includes statistics, safety articles, crane manufacturers' internal documents, depositions of manufacturers' employees, expert materials, and test reports of safety devices.

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Crane and Aerial Lift Injury

There are numerous varieties of crane accidents. Electrocution can occur when cranes come in contact with power lines. Crane tip-overs and rollovers are all too common. Another problem is two-blocking, when an operator accidentally breaks the hoisting cable.

Bureau of Labor Statistics figures show that of 2,300 crane contacts with power lines annually, 115 result in death, 200 in permanent disability, and 1,800 in other injuries. The crane industry has refused to implement various safety devices that could prevent many crane injuries. Aerial lift tip-overs continue to rank, along with electrocution, as the leading cause of fatalities and serious injuries. In 1983, one manufacturer designed and produced an anti-tipover device. Unfortunately, most manufacturers did not incorporate this device until the late 1990s.

An extensive database includes statistics, safety articles, crane manufacturers' internal documents, depositions of manufacturers' employees, expert materials, and test reports of safety devices. 

The rapid growth of the crane industry and its steadfast refusal to utilize various safety devices has led to a boom in crane accident litigation. The subsequent formation of this group in 1987 has allowed scores of trial lawyers to share information and help more victims receive compensation.

  • Meetings: AAJ Winter and Annual conventions.
  • Membership: Open to Regular, Sustaining, Life, and President's Club members.
  • Dues: The Litigation Group is complimentary for members of the AAJ Products Liability Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group's Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Products Liability Section here.


David Kwass | Saltz Mongeluzzi Barrett & Bendesky PC, Philadelphia, PA
Elizabeth Bailey | Grant & Eisenhofer PA, Wilmington, DE

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