Litigation Groups

Anti-Human Trafficking

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Anti-Human Trafficking Litigation Group

Recent studies have shown that global human trafficking has resulted in annual profits of $44.3 billion, causing harm to anywhere from 12 to 20 million victims internationally. Criminal cases often fail to recover enough, if any, damages to cover the future needs of victims; civil claims will complement government resources by threatening the monetary incentive to traffic people. This Litigation Group focuses on the representation of human trafficking victims--both victims of labor and sex trafficking--and addresses all aspects of civil litigation. This Group aims to promote networking among attorneys already engaged in human trafficking litigation, as well as promote the practice to those naturally inclined to represent victims.

  • Meetings: The group meets at AAJ Annual and Winter conventions.
  • Membership: The group is limited to AAJ Regular, Life, Sustaining, and President’s Club members only.
  • Annual Dues: The Litigation Group is complementary to members of the AAJ Civil Rights Section and members of the AAJ International Practice Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group's Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Civil Rights Section here and the International Practice Section here.


Gregory Zarzaur | Zar.Law - A Human Rights Law Firm, Birmingham, AL

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