
Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By using AAJ’s online shopping cart, I agree to AAJ’s terms and conditions related to products, services, and events I am purchasing or for which I am registering.

AAJ Press

Case Framing and Advanced Case Framing by Mark Mandell
I certify that I am a lawyer or am employed by a lawyer who, for the most part, based on caseload and time, represents the plaintiff in civil litigation or represents the defendant in criminal litigation.

Litigation Packets

I certify that this query is made on behalf of a plaintiff (or defendant in a criminal case) and I am in no way associated with any defendants or defense interests in this matter. I certify that I am a Regular, Sustaining, Life, or President’s Club member of AAJ, or an employee of such an attorney member, and that I seek access to this material for the sole and exclusive purpose of assisting clients of my law firm in the prosecution of their cases, and for the purpose of sharing knowledge of our firm with other attorneys concerned on behalf of their clients with common questions of law and fact. By using the AAJ Exchange, I agree to respond when contacted by other members investigating cases similar to my case summary and to share case information and documents with those members.

Section Membership

I certify that I do not practice defense work in civil cases in the Section’s specific area of practice. I understand membership in a Section entitles members to access only that Section’s list server and community.

Section membership is open to all membership categories and paralegal affiliates.  However, certain benefits in membership categories other than Regular, Life, Sustaining, President’s Club, and Leaders Forum may be restricted. 

A paralegal affiliate shall be sponsored by an AAJ voting member and the sponsoring information shall be verified annually by AAJ. For a paralegal affiliate to participate on a Section List Server, the sponsoring attorney and the paralegal affiliate shall be a member of at least one Section. For a paralegal affiliate to participate on a Litigation Group List Server, provided that the Litigation Group allows paralegal affiliate members, the sponsoring attorney shall be a member of that Litigation Group. When posting a message on any List Server, the paralegal’s List Server communication shall include language that the paralegal affiliate’s communication is under the general direction of the attorney, and include the paralegal’s name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number.

Events and Education Programs

I agree to any restrictions included in online or printed materials, including restrictions placed on the practice of individuals attending the program, the cancellation policy, and other conditions placed on attendance.

I understand the American Association for Justice reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, refuse entrance to the event and/or remove any individual from the event whose behavior is disruptive and/or is not consistent with the character and purpose of the event. I understand and agree to adhere to AAJ’s Event Unlawful Discrimination, Anti-Harassment & Safety Policy.

I also agree to receive communication from AAJ staff via email, in writing, and over the phone, which may include my mobile phone, regarding the program or event for which I am registering; to have my name, firm, city, and state included on the participant and exhibitor/sponsor rosters; to be included in AAJ’s social networking campaign; and to have my image photographed and published in AAJ’s membership publications and website.


AAJ Membership