
Amicus Briefs

In Re: Nissan North America, Inc. Litigation

6th Cir. No. 23-5950 (filed Apr. 3, 2024)

Apr. 3, 2024

Brief of Amicus Curiae American Association for Justice in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellees-Cross-Appellants


Issue: Whether the district court erred by failing to conduct a sufficiently “rigorous analysis” of the commonality requirement of Rule 23 because it did not qualitatively evaluate predominant individualized issues as a precondition to class certification.


Full Citation: Brief for Amicus Curiae American Association for Justice in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellees, In re: Nissan N. Am., Inc. Litig., No. 23-5950 (Apr. 3, 2024)


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