Trial Magazine
Workplace Safety
Failure to follow industry safety standards
September 2024While working for a subcontractor on the Camp Randall South Endzone Renovation Project, Jeremy Rose applied flammable material to the floor of an enclosed mechanical room under the stadium. An employee of the project’s general contractor allegedly lit a propane torch, sparking an explosion. Rose suffered burns to 70% of his body and required surgeries and other medical care.
Rose sued the general contractor, alleging failure to follow industry safety standards. The plaintiff asserted that the defendant should have required that a hot work permit, including an inspection, be obtained before the use of an open flame torch.
The parties settled before trial for $22 million.
Citation: Rose v. J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc., No. 2022CV001263 (Wis. Cir. Ct. Dane Cnty. Feb. 2024).
Plaintiff counsel: AAJ members Daniel A. Rottier, Christopher Rogers, David S. Blinka, and Corey Lorenz, all of Madison, Wis.