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Negligent Performance of Dental Implant Procedure

July/August 2019

Abgaryan v. Kevork Dabbagh D.D.S., Cal., arb. award, Nov. 15, 2018.

Edik Abgaryan, 52, underwent a dental implant procedure performed by dentist Kevork Dabbagh. His treatment plan included extracting Abgaryan’s upper teeth and placing implants with a permanent fixed bridge for his upper jaw. The implants Dabbagh placed in Abgaryan’s upper jaw would not support a permanent bridge. A dispute arose between the two, and Abgaryan later discontinued treatment. As a result, he had no upper teeth or denture and was unable to afford completion of the implant process with another dentist.

Abgaryan alleged that Dabbagh negligently performed the implant procedure by placing the implants too close together and at unacceptable angles. The claimant asserted that the dentist failed to use the results of his CT scan to guide his placement of the implants. There was no claim for lost income. Dabbagh countered that Abgaryan failed to mitigate his damages by having his implant work completed.

An arbitrator awarded $175,000.

Claimant counsel: Richard Berberian, Glendale, Calif.