Litigation Groups

Oxbryta Litigation Group

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Oxbryta Litigation Group

Oxbryta is an oral, once-daily medication designed to treat Sickle Cell Disease. Oxbryta claimed to work by improving how red blood cells deliver oxygen throughout the body and was intended to reduce the risk of vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs) and other side effects of Sickle Cell Disease. Developed by Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. (GBT), the FDA initially approved Oxbrtya in 2019 under the FDA’s Accelerated Approval Program for patients twelve and older. A year later, the FDA approved use for patients four and older. In 2022, Pfizer acquired GBT.

In September 2024, Pfizer issued a voluntary recall of Oxbryta after concluding that the risks outweigh the benefits of the drug. More specifically, studies found that Oxbryta actually reduces the delivery of oxygen throughout the body and increases the rate of VOCs and deaths in people taking the drug.

The Litigation Group provides critical information and materials for AAJ members to organize, educate, and coordinate as they navigate the complexities of this litigation.

Group History:

The Oxbryta Litigation Group was formed at AAJ’s 2025 Winter Convention.


The Oxbryta Litigation Group is limited to Regular, Sustaining, Life, and President’s Club Members


The Oxbryta Litigation Group is complimentary to members of the AAJ Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Sections who can agree to the terms and conditions on membership set forth in the Litigation Group’s Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device at

Litigation Group Cochairs:

Laura Baughman | Weitz & Luxenberg, PC, New York, NY

Caitlyn Miller | Aylstock Witkin Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC, Pensacola, FL

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