Litigation Groups

Inadequate Security

The group is developing legal brief banks, compilation of legal decisions, background information and testimony of expert witnesses, and factual information for defendants likely to be sued in more than one case.

Join the Litigation Group

Inadequate Security

The Inadequate Security Litigation Group assists members who represent victims of crime where a third party owed a legal duty to take reasonable measures to protect the individual from the criminal acts of others. Group members seek civil remedies on behalf of crime victims against the owners of various premises, including apartments, hotels and motels, malls and shopping centers, parking facilities, hospitals, schools, convenience stores, ATMs, banks, retail stores, and other commercial establishments. Claims also frequently involve common carriers such as bus companies and cruise lines. Injuries suffered by victims include significant physical injuries, shooting, stabbing, sexual assaults, death, and psychological problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression.

This Litigation Group provides members with educational information, litigation updates, and assistance in evaluating potential cases and preparing cases for litigation. The group has a document library and a list server through which Litigation Group members can share resources.

  • Meetings: AAJ winter and annual conventions. Sponsored CLE seminars in connection with these conventions, and brought in experts in the field to participate in both the CLE sessions and group meetings.
  • Membership: Open to all AAJ Regular, Sustaining, Life, and President's Club members.
  • Dues: The Litigation Group is complimentary for members of the AAJ Premises Liability Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group's Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Premises Liability Section here


John Leighton | Leighton Panoff Law, PA, Miami, FL

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